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We’ve helped countless clients lose inches from their waistline and rediscover their love for life. Our signature clinically-based wellness program will meet your unique dietary needs, encourage and support you through the weight-loss process and ensure you have the information you need to make wise meal decisions. Our holistic approach takes your body, mind, and tastes into account and formulates a customized nutritional program that will give you results. 

Below you’ll see just some great success stories. Contact us today to schedule an initial body analysis consultation. 

Patience G.

Patience had struggled with her weight her entire life. She was on her first “diet,” in middle school and she had tried every diet out there; she had nearly given up all hope before she was referred to Back 2 Real Food. Everyone in her family had a weight problem which also led to health problems and at a very young age this trend was starting for her too. She knew if she did not do something to address the problem her health would continue to decline like her family members. 

She was able to lose over 120lbs in just 18 months and most importantly she’s been able to keep it off. As a result of her journey and what’s she’s learned she has been able to help her family and friends also make better health choices and have positive changes in their health. .*

* Individual results may vary

Kim. S

Kim described herself as a serial dieter when she first came into the office. She would do a diet, lose some weight, find the diet not sustainable, stop the diet and then gain the weight back. Like a lot of people, she was a yo-yo dieter that was never able to maintain the weight loss, which is frustrating! 

That all ended when she started Back 2 Real Food. She learned how to effectively get the weight off, use real food to support her metabolism, and now she has a lifestyle where there is no more yo-yo. She eats good stuff to keep her body healthy, and she indulges in moderation because that is part of a healthy lifestyle. She loves that this is a balance that is sustainable. *

* Individual results may vary

Debbie A. 

Debbie started her weight loss journey on her own in January 2018, after 4 months of diet and exercise she was down 10 pounds. 

In April of 2018; she started her custom Back 2 Real Food plan; in just 5 weeks she had lost 17 pounds and 2 full clothing sizes.  Almost twice the weight loss and size change in just a quarter of the time. 

She also noticed other health benefits including better quality sleep and a significant improvement in her cholesterol levels.

She has been able to easily maintain her weight loss and loves that this created a lifestyle, not a diet for her life.*

* Individual results may vary

Mark A.  

Mark joined the Back 2 Real Food program because his wife Debbie (pictured above) was interested in it, and they chose to participate together.

Mark is a busy business owner, he didn’t have a lot of weight to lose, but he was interested in seeing if a little weight loss would help with his high blood pressure, his goals were less cosmetic, and much more health centered.

 Mark lost 23 pounds in almost one month, he went from a size 36” pants to a size 33” pants, he had dramatic changes with his blood pressure to where his doctor has taken him off all of his blood pressure medications. He says, “Every physical task is now easier, from tying my shoes to climbing on a fence or roof for work”*

* Individual results may vary

Leeanne S. 

Leanne was always fit and active, but like a lot of people during the pandemic her health went downhill, and she did not recognize her body anymore. She came into Back 2 Real Food determined to make a change. In two months, she lost 31 pounds and 3 ½ clothing sizes! She lost the stubborn belly fat and noticed that even her skin looked better and felt softer. 

Her favorite part was the guidance and accountability. As a result of the momentum, she’s continued to lose more weight and even started exercising again since exercise is a lot easier when you don’t have extra weight to carry around!*

* Individual results may vary

Tracy P.

Tracy’s only goal in mind when she came to Back 2 Real Food was weight loss. She had no idea her health and her life would completely transform through the process. She has lost over 60 lbs and is wearing a size six for the first time since high school!

Tracy is a Type 1 diabetic and had no idea she could need less insulin and change her A1C by changing how she was eating. She now takes 75% less insulin and her A1C is normal for the first time in her life. She has gained a new confidence in her body and also a great certainty of how to eat for her lifetime to keep the health she has regained in the past year.* 

* Individual results may vary

Bobbie J.

In just two months Bobbie lost 34 pounds, six inches off his waist, and his doctor reduced his blood pressure medicine. He is now able to wear clothes from 10+ years ago, he has more energy and has noticed better mental clarity. 

As Bobbie learned how much food could impact his energy and mental clarity he has taken extra time to continue to learn more and do more to have the best health possible. He feels younger now that he did decades ago. *

* Individual results may vary

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