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Below are just some of the great things our clients have to stay after completing their 

Back 2 Real Food Program!

“My favorite part about the program was being able to choose and cook my own food. In addition to losing weight, my skin tone is more vibrant, I’m mentally more focused at work (no more brain fog!) and I have more energy and just feel so much lighter on my feet. I also have noticed better PMS symptoms and not quite as much bloating or cramping, and my overall digestion is so much better with hardly any stomach upset issues anymore. I’m in such a better mood overall! I would recommend this program to others.”

- Ragina T.

Lost 24 lbs and dropped 2 clothing sizes

“Thanks to Back 2 Real Food, my total mindset and relationship with food has changed. I am motivated to feed my body foods that nourish and sustain me. I didn’t even want a "cheat meal" set up for the end of the program! I feel great, am sleeping better and have more energy. I also now have the confidence to work toward my goals, no matter how difficult. The investment in Back 2 Real Food is well worth it in the long run to get where you want to be.”

- Joy A.

Lost 26 lbs and dropped 1 clothing size

"This program has changed my life! In addition to losing weight and inches off my body, it has given me such a confidence boost - I have never felt better! Dr. Liz and her team are incredible to work with and have given me all the tools I need to succeed. I even was able to follow the program while in Cancun at an all-inclusive resort for a wedding. (My friend lost 7 lbs just by following along the healthy eating plan with me!) I am happy to say I’ve been able to maintain this healthy lifestyle one year after going through the initial program and I don’t panic if life gets in the way. I now have the knowledge and confidence in what I need to do to get my metabolism back on track.  Back 2 Real Food is not a diet -  it’s a complete way of living!"

- Jacque M.

Lost 23 lbs and dropped 2 clothing sizes

"Undoubtedly one of my best decisions for self care! I simply had to let go of the investment hurdles like time, commitment, cost and simply trust the process. And it worked. I wish I had discovered the Back 2 Real Food team sooner. I am healthier, smarter, lighter, happier, more energetic and loving it. Like any decision I've faced in life, there is usually a price and a payoff. My Back 2 Real Food journey is the organic answer I was looking for to reclaim power and better understanding over unforeseen and inattentive aging consequences. Embracing the future with Back 2 Real Food."

- Bonnie G.

Lost 18 lbs and dropped 2 clothing sizes

“I was never a huge dieter when I was younger. I exercised like crazy and then all of a sudden, the weight started to creep on, but I was not doing anything different. Coupled with my Type 1 Diabetes, I knew I had to make a change for my health. I had seen the Back 2 Real Food program advertised for over a year but wasn’t ready to take that first step until I got the wake-up call from my doctor to lose weight. I quickly learned from the program that WHAT you eat is the most important factor about losing weight. I now take 75% less insulin and my A1C is normal! This program has not only been a life changing experience for my overall health, but also for my finances because I do not have to purchase as much insulin! The team at Back 2 Real Food is amazing. They all believe in the program, which is so validating. They want you to succeed and give you the tools to accomplish the initial weight loss, but then they make it sustainable to maintain that for the rest of your life. Back 2 Real Food is not a miracle pill - but you have to trust the system. It has truly changed my life!"

- Tracy P.

Lost 60 lbs and dropped 4 clothing sizes

“I was always so active when I was younger but after having children, my weight started to fluctuate, and I tried all the popular weight loss programs with no lasting results. From the moment I walked into the Back 2 Real Food office, the staff was incredibly amazing and supportive and I love how many of the Health Coaches have been through the program first-hand, so they know what I am going through. I have learned how to use food to live - and not live to eat food!  And I can’t believe how fast the inches just came off - I am now able to wear clothes I hadn’t worn in years!  And my skin is so much clearer thanks to changing my eating habits - I know I do not look my age!  I also have seen a huge change in my overall energy and attitude - people now gravitate to me and my positivity. Back to Real Food is a lifestyle - not a quick fix diet.  You have to put in the hard work, but it’s so worth it! 

- Jeanette C.

Lost 28 lbs and dropped 2 clothing sizes

“I feel so great and have lots more energy! I no longer experience acid reflux and am sleeping better. An unexpected benefit is that I feel so healthy with no hair loss/brittle nails or constipation (things I experienced on a daily basis before). The program was so easy to follow and despite not initially being used to preparing all my own meals and cooking, I now really enjoy being creative in the kitchen!”

- Gina U

Lost 24 lbs and dropped 2 clothing sizes

"I have never been able to control my blood pressure without daily exercise, but now it’s normal without me having to go to the gym! I have better quality sleep and more energy - I feel like I did in my 20’s! My favorite part of the program was the food plans and incredible support from the Back 2 Real Food team."  

- Sam R.

Lost 34 lbs and dropped 2 clothing sizes

"I am sleeping better, have less acid reflux, less joint pain and an improved mental state. I have better self esteem and my thinking is so much more clear. My favorite part was working so closely with Dr. Liz and her B2RF team - they are incredibly informed and knowledgeable."

- Donald D.

Lost 32 lbs and dropped 3 clothing sizes

"I feel amazing! This was an emotional roller coaster that was desperately needing exploration. I am so glad I did this! It’s helped emotionally and well as physically. I have seen health changes like lower blood sugar levels, hardly any heartburn, better sleep and hardly any leg camps at night. I have a history of back/spine issues and know I would be in much more pain now had I not lost the weight. My favorite part about the process was the cooking. I didn’t realize how much I love to cook!" 

- Heather R.

Lost 34 lbs and dropped 2 clothing sizes

"My skin is clearer and brighter, I am getting a more restful sleep and have consistent energy.  I have not only lost weight, but fat, and have fewer cravings overall. I am seeing my body shape similar to what it was 10 years ago! My favorite part about the program was how easy it was to follow. I really enjoyed making all my own food! I feel amazing!"

- Shelley S

Lost 13 lbs and dropped 1 clothing size

"I have lower blood pressure, better mental clarity, less joint pain and increased energy level. I feel great and have lost inches in several areas. An unexpected change is that I have more energy to do things, like being more comfortable crawling around with my grandson! My favorite part was selecting meal plans based on the foods I enjoy. I recommend this program to others - this was the first lifestyle plan I tried that provided visual results. I receive compliments from many people that they can see my weight loss."

- Karen A.

Lost 17 lbs and dropped 2 clothing sizes

"I feel fantastic and in more control of my health - and not as moody! I have much less joint pain and am now able to stay in a seated yoga position. The biggest change I’ve noticed is the loss of inches. Not as much of a muffin top anymore and I can wear my jeans and a fitted top without Spanx! My favorite part was the knowledge about the specific foods/amounts to eat that give me energy and keeps my weight down. This was a great experience for me with helpful coaching and a great book of guidance/instructions!"

- Victoria R.

Lost 13 lbs and dropped 1 clothing size

"I feel so much lighter, energetic and happy. I have decreased joint pain and increased energy. I love how my clothes fit! And, my increase of energy was unexpected! I would recommend this program to others. My favorite part was putting multiple health techniques into action and seeing results." 

- Shelly O.

Lost 30 lbs and dropped 2 clothing sizes

"I like Back 2 Real Food's approach because there is absolutely no product pushing or ongoing meal plan expenses. They teach you to live your life in the real world - eating real food. My skin hydration has improved, and I take less thyroid medication. My energy level has also improved, and I have a much better sleep schedule. I feel like I got some of my life back because I’m not so tired all the time - especially at night. No more falling asleep on the couch when I’m trying to relax and watch TV! You have to be ready mentally to start a program like Back 2 Real Food but once you adjust to the program it is so worth it!"

- Lori T.

Lost 28 lbs and dropped 3 clothing sizes

“I had tried other diet programs in the past, but none stuck. Back 2 Real Food is different because of the personal coaching they provide. I was motivated to stick with it as the accountability they placed on me for weekly check-ins and documentation were the keys to my success. I even traveled during the program and was constantly in touch with the team to help make sure I was making the proper food choices while on the road. In addition to losing weight, I now have more energy and can finally enjoy walking again. My headaches, leg cramps and night restlessness are all gone, too. I now intuitively understand what food choices to make thanks to all the coaching I received from the team. If you want to lose weight and keep it off - this is the program for you!”

- David S.

Lost 20 lbs and dropped 2 clothing sizes

“I feel fabulous! The team at Back 2 Real Food is so helpful and was amazing to work with. They are like a concierge service with personal coaching/guidance, especially with meal planning and how to handle restaurant menus and all the questions I asked along the way. I even felt prepared to handle eating while vacationing in Greece and never felt deprived and didn’t gain any weight while away! The inflammation and pain in my hands has significantly decreased, my energy/stamina has increased, and my skin is so naturally hydrated now. I highly recommend Back 2 Real Food - they truly care about your personal success!”

- Lisa R.

Lost 45 lbs and dropped 2 clothing sizes

"I did the mini plan and feel so good!  I sleep better, have less joint pain and more energy overall.  This process helped me realize I need to make some health changes in order to lose the weight and feel good. I enjoyed the weekly Zoom check-in meetings - this frequent monitoring and advice from the team was essential to make it work. I also loved all the recipes and product information given at the different stages of the program. The best thing was the fact that I was able to make my own meals - no prepackaged meals!"  

- Sonia R.

Lost 11.5 lbs and dropped 1 clothing size

"I’m very glad I decided to invest in my wellbeing and get my metabolism back on track. I’ve learned to balance my macros, choose healthy fats, read labels, and avoid artificial sweeteners. The B2RF program has exceeded my expectations and I highly recommend it for others."

- Abby W.

Lost 28 lbs and dropped 3 clothing sizes

“I am so glad I took this journey with Back 2 Real Food. I feel excellent! So much healthier and I’m now taking 50% less thyroid medication as a result. My motivation wasn’t about the number on the scale – it was about feeling better.  And I’ve never felt better, especially my mental clarity! And my whole family has gotten healthier. My mother is also doing the program and has already lost over 30 lbs and my husband has lost weight just by me taking all the junk out of our house! A lot of programs help you lose weight, but this program helps you keep it off!”

- Angelina R.

Lost 35 lbs and dropped 3 clothing sizes

“I was motivated to try Back 2 Real Food because my daughter was doing it and seeing great results. It was nice to do it together! I feel great, am sleeping better and have more mental clarity. My favorite part was the accountability to the coaches, along with the resources they gave me to succeed. I have learned new lifestyle habits, especially how to cook smarter. I’ve been able to maintain my new weight despite traveling a lot. The coaching team has taught me how to find good food wherever I am!”

- Melanie M.

Lost 24 lbs and dropped 2 clothing sizes

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